The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

HDP: Armenians Deported To Syria Again Under Threat

Saruhan Oluç

(ANF) HDP Co Vice-President Saruhan Oluç has released a statement in which he draws attention to the recent attacks against the Armenian village of Keseb in Syria, reading “how sad it is that Armenians deported from Turkey in 1915 are today once again being subjected to deportation with the support of the AKP government. Not only Keseb, but the Armenian neighborhoods in Aleppo are also under attack.”

Oluç’s statement was released in response to a number of recent incidents on the Turkish-Syrian border. In particular it drew attention to the increasing attacks on Keseb and the central role that al-Nusra Front and the Brigade of Islam were playing in the attacks. Oluç accused Kuwait and Gulf States of supporting the attacks, writing “the jihadi assailants consider the costal region to have been occupied by Alawites, Christians and Jews and they are attacking to put an end to this situation. A significant part of these organizations are attacking the battle from Turkey. In the same way as in Rojava Kurdistan they are entering from Turkey in order to attack the people. The Kurds of Rojava have defended themselves and repelled these attacks. In and round Keseb the danger of a massacre against Armenians and Alawites is growing every day. Armenians, Melkites, Greek Orthodox, Alevis and Syriacs are living in Keseb. This town is one of the examples of co-existence in Syria.”

“They fear for their lives and are leaving the area to take refuge in nearby villages. How sad it is that Armenians deported from Turkey in 1915 are today once again being subjected to deportation with the support of the AKP government. Not only Keseb, but the Armenian neighborhoods in Aleppo are also under attack. Neighborhoods such as Aziziye, Telefon Havi, Süleymani, Nor Küğ and Tilel with large Armenian populations are facing rocket attacks and shelling.”

Oruş emphasised that the situation in Syria requires a political solution and the construction of a new and democratic Syria, writing “In Rojava Kurdistan where Kurds, Arabs, and Syriacs live together they have formed autonomous canton governments in which the people are represented on a foundation of equality. The extension of the push for democracy which began in Rojava to the entirety of Syria would create the conditions for the end to the civil war. As long as the AKP government continues its policy of being one of parties to the developments in Syria and the civil war, it will be a partner in the Keseb and similar attacks. The AKP must take its hands off Keseb and cease from providing the jihadist gangs with logistical and material support.”

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