The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

Call For International Front In Kobanê


(Kobanê) Socialist and revolutionary organizations in Turkey have issued a joint statement in which they announced the formation of the Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri – ‘United Freedom Forces’ or BÖG  – in Kobanê and called for an international front to defend the revolution in Rojava, according to an article from Özgür Gündem.

The statement was made made by lyas Hekimoğlu, who spoke in the name of the BÖG. Hekimoğlu, stressing that the resistance in Kobanê had become a 21st century Paris Commune, said “In a Middle East where capitalist barbarism and imperialist interests are pursued with savagery the Rojava Model – which aims at and is building a form of life which is anti-capitalist, communal and on the side of freedom and democracy – is presenting an internationalist way of life to the peoples of the Middle East and the world. Kobanê is not the first, nor will it be the last.”

Toward Growing Hope In Kobanê

Hekimoğlu added that Kobanê had become the site of Sheikh Bedreddin’s communal villages, saying “[Kobanê] is the fire of the spark which Bedreddin struck within his communal villages. The peoples of the Middle East have not abandoned this resistance. The true friend of oppressed peoples are not the bosses, nor those who shed fake tears while they make the ‘rabia’ sign. It is the communists who sacrificed in Palestine in the 1970’s, Lebanon in the 1980’s and the mountains of Kurdistan in the 1990’s who are the real friend of the peoples.”

Hekimoğlu finished by saying that revolutionaries from Turkey were in Kobanê as part of the BÖG in order to play a historical role, “saying that they had  “come to bring life to the internationalist spirit in Kobanê today  which was yesterday found in Spain. We are expecting all communists of the world, and in particular revolutionaries from Turkey, to work toward growing hope in Kobanê and to take their place on the international front.”


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