The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

Islamic Groups are Carrying out a Proxy War in the Name of Turkey and other Powers

Bandar bin Sultan, the head of the Saudi Intelligence Ministry, meets with President Putin in July

Bandar bin Sultan, the head of the Saudi Intelligence Ministry, meets with President Putin in July

A report from ANF today accuses Turkey, the United States, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia  of using Islamic groups in Rojava as proxies for their own interests in the region. The report cites in particular a confession by Bandar bin Sultan, the head of the Saudi Intelligence Ministry, made during a meeting with President Putin on the 31st of June in Moscow.

Bander was reported to have told Putin that “We can guarantee security for the Sochi games this coming winter. The Chechens who threaten the security of the games are under our control and right now they are only active with us in Syria. We are using them against the Syrian regime, but they will not play any role in Syria’s future…This issue does not only involve Saudi Arabia, it crosses other countries and borders as well. For example Turkey and Qatar. Right now Turkey’s role similar to the role Pakistan played during the Afghanistan conflict.

 Zuhat Kobanê (center), the head of foreign relations within the PYD

Zuhat Kobanê (center), the head of foreign relations within the PYD

In a separate article from Özgür Gündem, Zuhat Kobanê, the head of foreign relations within the PYD, told the paper that Turkey is also attempting to marginalize the PYD by spreading misinformation, including recent claims that the PYD possesses chemical weapons. On the subject of the contradiction between Turkey’s meeting with the PYD and its work with Islamists, Kobanê told the paper:

Turkey has been forced to associate with us. Turkey is carrying out a two-sided project. And it has to do with obstructing our projects. Turkey’s relations with the PYD does not mean that it has changed its own strategy of working against the Kurds. After we met they transferred more weapons to the Islamists. Turkey is transferring weapons to al-Nusra. After we met there was a train station constructed near Serekaniye. In order to drop off Islamists to attack Kurds. Our message to the government in Ankara is thus: abandon the denial, the policy of extermination, of interfering with the Kurds. The government in Ankara has some practices in regard to its relationship with Syria that we do not accept. If they listen to the people and their concerns then open the border crossings. Let your interests be with the people not al-Qaeda. Abandon these wrong approaches. Tomorrow the people will take action against a Turkey that supports al-Qaeda.

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